
Welcome to my space! My name is Brianna and I’m a first grade teacher in Washington State. Although I could continue on to list accomplishments, degrees, experience, or my personal interests, I’ve instead opted to share the parts of my career that spark passion within me. These big areas are problem solving and working with other teachers. Of course, I love the students, too! But to truly put those kids and their needs first, I need to be ready to learn, share, and try new things.

First, it’s important to know that I define a problem as anything that a student needs help with – problems are not all bad. All students come to us with various needs. For example, one student might already know the content that I’m about to teach and another student might not know how to control their anger in a safe manner. I would need to come up with a solution to both of these problems in order to help each student grow and continue to learn.

Secondly, it’s equally important to know that when I use the term teacher, I am referring to anyone and everyone who has an active role in a child’s life – moms, dads, step-parents, grandparents, caretakers, etc. With all these problems being brought to us by kids of all ages, who better to help you come up with these solutions than other teachers? Whether it be talking one-on-one, being part of a small group discussion, or even leading a professional development class, talking with teachers is simply the best! I love brainstorming with other educators for the opportunity to learn and to share.

This space is for just that: connecting with other teachers to learn and share ideas that can enter our classrooms and/or our homes for the benefit of all of our children.

My Heart & Soul


As I keep learning, my purpose for this blog may ebb and flow. This page will explain where my heart is and what my goals are for this space. It will help explain why I choose to share what I do.

Mixed and Blended Families

Literature can spark our imagination, connect us, and teach us. This is where I will post my favorite children’s books that can help children connect to their own culture and families as well as learn about others. These books will help spark conversations with kids around empathy, integrity, grit, self-discipline, and embracing diversity.

PD with Bri

As I said above, one of my favorite parts about being a teacher is problem solving. Each student has their own personality paired with their own story. The more we know about where students are coming from through building relationships and the science behind their development, the more patient and compassionate we can be toward ourselves and them while we work together to get them to the next level of success. Check this page for professional development books that can help you do that.

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